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Be Unique : Hector. Two 22

Take i Ducati 796 in addition to add together craftsmanship, imagination in addition to the science of vi men in addition to you lot halt upwards with a unique café racer that embodies the project design necessary for a really bespoke motorbike experience. 

Aluminum in addition to wood, living materials that historic menses in addition to charm with the passing of time, every sign that is left on their surface instead of making them ugly increases beauty.

Traditional crafts brought to a novel score of cooperation accept delivered this particular project. The bike is the brainchild of TRESOR co-founder, Anthony Vischer, a motorbike enthusiast in addition to collector.

Mechanic, Adrian Frommherz, started edifice “custom bicycles” at 5, moving on to motorcycles yesteryear 15. After working for BMW every bit a unusual merchandise in addition to wholesale specialist he is dorsum to edifice motorcycles.

Metalsmith, Reto Berger, studied physics earlier becoming a smith in addition to oven builder. Using many of the same techniques the silversmiths inwards Alchemy, the trunk of the bike was created from exclusively iii sheets of aluminium, a cloth extremely difficult to mold. The frame was slightly altered to conform the bodywork.

Boat builder, January Lüscher, learned his merchandise at the renowned boat fellowship Pedrazzini inwards Switzerland. Currently working every bit laid builder at the Opera House inwards Zürich. January created all the custom forest components in addition to metallic inlays using mahogany veneer in addition to clear boat paint.

Leather worker, Andy Mackay, has had numerous assignments that reverberate his skill: high-end leather tooling for Jet Aviation in addition to Vitra alongside them. Using techniques borrowed from luxury aircraft edifice in addition to classic cars Andy created the seats for the bike.

Photographer, graphic creative mortal in addition to communications professional person Markus Ruf has accompanied the projection from the beginning, to ensure a enterprise documentation.

Bike builder in addition to physical therapist Tobi Doppler, who owns his ain custom shop, called Therapy Bikes was inwards accuse of projection coordination in addition to handling, ensuring that the projection was gear upwards for the fair.

These principal craftsmen worked together to exercise this emotional project. The blueprint evolved through making in addition to was Pb yesteryear Adrian Frommherz in addition to January Lüscher.

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