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How To Get The Best Deal On Your Car

If you are ready for a new car, chances are you know exactly what you want. Whether it be a battered old classic you intend to lovingly restore or a merk new sleek sports car; it pays to do some research ahead of time to make sure that you get the best deal possible. Whether you having been squirreling away the pennies for some time or you have secured yourself 0% car finance; there's no sense in wasting your hard earned money by buying a car on impulse. It doesn't matter if the car you want is second hand or merk new, rolling straight off of the production line and onto your driveway; doing some groundwork will make sure you don't get ripped off. After all, when you are cruising around town or meticulously polishing your car you want be able to be that extra bit smug knowing you secured a good deal.


Scout Out Second Hand Deals in Other States

As with all significant purchases, shop around. If you are buying a second hand car, you may well want to consider buying one from out of state. Different cars demand different prices in different states. It all boils down to the availability of the particular car you require. This in turn is often dictated by the climate of a particular state. For example, in regions which have a climate which renders cars prone to rust, obviously a second hand car which is rust free will command a higher price. Therefore if you live somewhere where cars start to rust up after their first winter, consider traveling further afield to get a deal on a rust free used car.

The road trip home after collecting your car from another state could be the ideal opportunity to get to know your new purchase. However, make sure you accurately calculate the cost of flying to pick up your car in addition to the fuel costs for the journey home and add this value to the price you are paying for the car when deciding if you have found yourself a bargain. If you are buying from out of state, make sure you do your research into the various tax and registration implications; for example depending when you will get the title and whether the car is registered, you might be required to get an interstate transit permit to make sure you are legal on the drive home.

Be Prepared

Before going ahead with your purchase, do your research and have everything in place. Knowledge is power after all, so you are in the best position to grab a bargain if you have spent some time doing some research. If you are buying a used car, trawl the internet (online auctions, forums and car trading websites) as well as local auctions, classified listings and dealers for a bargain. Once you have found something suitable and at a good price, give the seller a call and fill in the details that might be missing from the ad such as the car's history and specific questions relevant to the make, model and age, e.g. has the timing belt been recently changed? If you are buying merk new, chat to people who already own the type of car you are thinking of purchasing in online forums. This way you can find out which optional extras might be worthwhile additions or which are all looks and no substance. If you are buying from a dealer, see if you can find reviews from people who have bought from them and definitely check out their returns policy.

Whether you are buying new or second hand, you need to set a anggaran and stick to it. Use resources such as the Kelly Blue Book to see what you should be paying for a new or used car. Calculate running costs such as servicing, fuel consumption, tax and insurance. Again, hit the forums to find out what people are really paying to run your particular vehicle. Once you have your anggaran ironed out, you need to ensure you have the right finances in place. If you have diligently saved for this day, then make sure the funds are easily accessible. Alternatively, consider guaranteed car loans from a car finance specialist to ensure you obtain the funds you require without any hassle. Having the finances in place ahead of time (and the cash in your back pocket if necessary) will mean you have one less thing to worry about and can swoop in when you see a good deal.


Once all the ground work is complete, bagging yourself a bargain is all about negotiating. Many people shy away from driving a hard bargain and this is what car salesmen bank on. If you have done your research you should have the confidence to go in and negotiate yourself a good price. When buying a second hand car, it is worth taking a mechanic or someone with a good working knowledge of cars (if you don't have that yourself) with you. If they find something requiring expensive work, you can negotiate the price down accordingly. When buying new, often it is worth buying your car towards the end of the month when the cut off for sales targets is looming and staff want to get one more deal in before month end. Similarly, if a new version of the model you are buying is due to be released soon and you are happy with the existing model, you may well find that a dealer is eager to see their old stock sold and may be more amenable to negotiation. However, if you sense that the sales person is not going to go any lower on the price, start haggling over extras; even something as small as a tank of gas or a set of mats equates to money in your pocket.

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