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Angolare S4r Benjie's Cafe Racer

In 2016, inwards my personal ranking of the most beautiful wheel of the twelvemonth assigned to the Benjie's Cafe Racer Ducati 900ss Velocita D'Epoca, straight off it takes identify amongst the novel job, the Angolare on a S4R basis, most equally if they wanted to win the prize equally good quest 'year.

Like many of you, my Triumph wheel is equally good locomote inwards progress, as well as looking at this bike, it most seems to inspire me, because a actually beautiful cleaning inwards the lines as well as the details are non loud simply accurate, the pigment is discreet as well as elegant, inwards brusque if my motorbike resembled this would non locomote a bad idea
Now read the history of this projection straight from the interested parties, where they expose interesting partculars

Everyone at BCR actually lucked out amongst Angalore, our latest custom build. It started equally a 2007 Ducati S4R Monster amongst less than 2,000 miles. It had a 90s-era colouring system amongst matching burnt orangish accent on the gas tank as well as the wheels, as well as it was hesitantly bestowed upon us yesteryear our generous customer who ofttimes reminded us that this wheel was their baby.

During our get-go coming together to hash out our plans for the Ducati, nosotros explained to our customer that nosotros were looking to chop the frame as well as ditch 90% of the stock torso work. Our client, defensive of their bolt-on carbon fiber-toting child, requested a homecoming of the finished slice -- however, nosotros unfortunately are non the best at drawing. To ease their reluctance, nosotros gestured amongst our hands to visually portray the lines as well as the profile of the frame -- carving waves inwards the air to assist our customer improve empathize the shapes of the pieces nosotros would locomote putting inwards place. I equally good explained to them that this wheel would locomote a truthful one-off -- something nosotros would locomote proud to telephone phone a truthful BCR construct bike. Our passion helped settle our client’s unwillingness as well as they sanctioned the project, giving us total creative liberty amongst 1 caveat. They told us, “Do whatever you lot want. My entirely asking is that you lot pigment it -- pigment it anything, simply yellow.”

When nosotros produce a total custom construct bike, nosotros by as well as large start amongst the gas tank. However, for modern donor bikes, nosotros start yesteryear cutting the bring upward exercise of the frame as well as making a completely novel bring upward subframe. To showcase the signature Ducati trellis frame, nosotros left the forepart exercise of the stock frame as well as fabricated a to a greater extent than subtle bring upward subframe to complement. To add together a to a greater extent than aggressive feel, nosotros shortened the subframe, positioning it at a slight angle.

Next was the gas tank as well as the seat. For us the gas tank dictates the overall await as well as mental attitude of the bike, as well as for this build, nosotros wanted something aggressive -- something that looked similar it was racing toward horizons fifty-fifty at a total stop. Maintaining the visual subject laid upward yesteryear the trellis frame, nosotros shaped the novel aluminum gas tank similar the stealth tip of an arrow inwards flight. We gave it sharp, angular corners, shaped the bottom of the tank to follow the novel subframe, as well as added human knee indents for additional detail. Following the lines of the novel gas tank, nosotros designed the seat. We wrapped the spot pan amongst cowhide upholstery as well as fabricated a unmarried foursquare tail calorie-free similar to the double foursquare tail calorie-free flora on the Ducati 996 -- a wheel amongst the same engine equally the S4R Monster.

We didn’t desire the bring upward dot lights on the wheel to stick out, as well as hence nosotros added a pocket-size scoop on the sides that housed xanthous LEDs. For extra detail, nosotros equally good added a notch on the correct side of the spot to clear the high-mounted exhaust muffler.

Another major exercise of the wheel that dictates its mental attitude is the exhaust. The stock exhaust was the bolt-on functioning exhaust from Arrows -- which looks perfectly fine on a stock Monster setup, simply nosotros pitched a one-off wheel as well as nosotros were going to deliver. We made our ain exhaust out of stainless steel, edifice a two into two setup. We topped it off amongst a pie cutting setup on the bends -- 1 routed nether the spot as well as the other routed nether the motor, exiting out yesteryear the right-side footpeg.

We wanted to contrast the dorsum of the wheel amongst something to a greater extent than uncomplicated upward front. We ditched the stock gauges, ordered a custom speedometer amongst built-in tachometer, as well as fabricated an aluminum headlight bucket that houses the custom gauge. Akin to the bring upward dot lights, nosotros tucked the xanthous LEDs of the forepart dot lights within stainless steel scoops mounted on the sides of the bucket.

Solidifying the Angalore equally a really custom BCR build, nosotros made our ain clip-on handlebars out of stainless steel, machined its ain footpegs as well as pes controls in-house, as well as made an originally designed fender. We equally good made a custom timing belt cover, clutch shield, as well as vented side covers for the radiator.

Every exercise of this wheel was BCR as well as every exercise of BCR loved every exercise of it. In the end, afterward all the locomote was done, the entirely work nosotros had amongst the wheel was that it wasn’t ours.

Photos By: Ben Chan ( as well as Dante Dizon (

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